I've been writing, writing, writing!
I have a family member and a couple of friends working through health issues, and, I myself had my own medical smackdown, so I have been working hard on my upcoming book, YOUR POWER TO HEAL IS REAL...
Yes, we all experience bumps and bruises as we live our full and busy lives, but, sometimes we get hit a little harder with an accident or injury, or possibly we are experiencing an operation and have found ourselves experiencing some sort of healing crisis.
This past month I took a spill myself, and I am amazed at how hard it hit me, and how hard it has been to deal with my injuries. I'm okay, but I am still in a state of healing. I am not the only one these days with healing issues, a dear family member is in the hospital, a good friend has had an operation, a new acquaintance had a corrective surgery, and the list goes on. (I apologize for not mentioning the state of the world with the wars raging, it goes without saying that I send light and love to all those who truly need it...)
"Words have the power to assist us in healing..." (Lise Parton)
I am a firm believer that assistance, care and love comes from many outside sources, but that we all have to firmly start with our own self-care and self-love.
As an 'expressive' writer, I use my creative ability to express myself in the good times and in the bad. I use my writing to pull myself through things. I have been quoted as saying...
"I can write my way through anything..." (Lise Parton)
And so...I have been off and running writing a book of affirmations, poetry and prose, I have called, Your Power To Heal Is Real. I am a firm believer that when we are dealt a lousy hand, we need to learn to then play it well. Therefore, even injured, hurt, or unwell there are still many things we can do to positively and proactively help ourselves along the way. I started to write these pieces to help myself deal with injury and pain, but decided I had to put it all together and expand my writing into a book as a kind resource available for others currently on their own healing journey. I want to gift to others a supportive and enjoyable book to help them in this small way that I am able, that is, through my writing. (This is not to say my book and suggestions are in any way meant to sidestep any professional and traditional medical therapies and practitioners. I am simply offering additional suggestions, thoughts and ideas to help in companionship with an individual's professional practitioners.)
In my book I offer affirmations, poems and prose that offer some positive ways to get into a proactive mindset to help you self-heal. I suggest to you to also write your own affirmations, ones that are specifically geared to you for self-help assistance. I also explain the importance of energy in healing, and I can do so as I am a trained Reiki Master, trained and attuned in the 1990's. I have added an energy exercise for you to do in the book to also assist yourself with your own intentions and energy flow during healing.
My book includes many beautiful and inspiring photos accompanying each piece, and many of the photos I have taken myself. I really hope you will enjoy them. As many of them are very dear to my heart, and so they feel like a gift from my heart to yours. Where I did not take a photo myself I have gratefully added royalty-free photos from Unsplash. All photo credits are included in the book.
I am just putting the final editing touches on the manuscript and am praying it gets released as an eBook pretty quick here, because I would like it to be available for someone special I have in mind, a writing fan who would appreciate a little creative and supportive help from me.
Stay tuned! I'm almost done and ready to launch the book!
Cheers! Lise