I Can't Believe It's Been A Year...

August 1, 2023 on the Sturgeon Moon, (yes, I did plan that), I launched my fantasy romance novel, Tropical Transformation. It has been one year now, and, as we are on the verge of this year's Sturgeon Moon, (August 19th) I am reflecting back to all the excitement of launching my romantic mermaid tale into the world. (Did you know it is said the Sturgeon Moon relates to strength and resilience, which was an element of the underlying storyline in my novel?)
A lot has happened in the past year, with the accident I experienced, but as I work to recover, I am grateful that water and swimming is part of my therapy this summer. As I have always been a water-baby and a mermaid at heart, I am ever so delighted to start my day in the community pool. It is a brilliantly refreshing way to start the day!

Of course, I certainly do miss all those amazing swims at the cabin, a place that I will always hold so dear in my heart after over 5 decades of time delightfully spent in summers there. Those daily swims for a mermaid soul growing up were the best! However, these days, as I continue to live my beautiful life, I am so happy to have discovered our local outdoor pool.

Although I am not fully swimming, as I am still on the mend and am mostly doing water walking, I still do love those private moments when I throw my head back and my feet up and float taking in the bright blue sky and the white puffy clouds as I am suspended quietly in the pool. In those few moments I am unable to hear the world around me, and it is spectacular. It is also a blessed reminder of those years of my days floating at my lake, and how I, as a mermaid soul, fully enjoys the beautiful fluid liquidity of the cool water. Each drop of water caresses my body and tickles my senses, awakening my aging body and filling up my soul for the day...it’s just miraculous!

Recently, I also did something I love to do on a hot summer's day to enjoy life, I opened up a book to read, and, once again, it was my own book, Tropical Transformation. I read it again, for myself, for I enjoy and love to experience and live within my own created characters for a time...
So, while you are out this summer enjoying your days, why not experience the beauty of our world in the sunshine possibly on a beach or by a pool, and...why not pick up a good summer's read? And maybe, you might like to take in the delight of viewing our next beautiful and mysterious full moon...and consider discovering the tale of a mysterious tropical transformation...
Have a wonderful summer's day...
Cheers! Lise
*photo courtesy of briona baker on unsplash
**photo courtesy of drew dau on unsplash
***my photos