When The World Is On Fire
Updated: Aug 24, 2023
Many stand up to save our world,
And we can be grateful for every soul,
Who risk their own life and limb,
To bring these fires under control...

When The World Is On Fire
When the world is on fire,
And every day is filled with fear,
When you no longer feel like laughing,
And it is easier to shed a tear.
It takes an conscious effort,
And a dose of personal strength,
To put one foot in front of the other,
To be able to cope and go the length.
When a fire is looming,
And approaching to where you live,
You have to keep fully informed,
For your actions might have to be swift.
You may have to get ready to evacuate,
Pack a few things up and go,
For your safety and those around you,
Is the most important thing, you know.
It is certainly not easy,
To face a critical situation with a fire,
It is not an event you can ignore,
For the outcomes are often dire.
When facing a natural disaster,
Put one foot in front of the other and act,
I know it's frightening and work,
To swiftly make plans, prep and get packed.
It's hard to have to evacuate,
It's heartbreaking to leave your home,
But your survival and safety comes first,
Just know you are not alone.
Many friends and neighbours around you,
Are experiencing the same thing as you,
As a group there is comfort in numbers,
And faith that the authorities will know what to do.
Place your trust in your prayers,
If that is what you believe,
And be grateful for the courageous firefighters,
Who battle to give your homes a reprieve.
Have faith in the people around you,
Share kindness along the way,
Offer your help and your support,
Carry your strength as an ally each day.
It is not easy to face these disasters,
It feels like our world has been set on fire,
But there is a strength built into our humanity,
And heroes who fight beyond being tired.
Many stand up to save our world,
And we can be grateful for every soul,
Who risk their own life and limb,
To bring these fires under control.
Let's take a moment to voice our thanks,
To everyone who is helping us,
To acknowledge the hard work being done,
When our world seems scary and treacherous.
Give thanks to the hard-working firefighters,
And first responders on the front lines,
To the people in the Emergency Services Centres,
And those that provide food in these unsettling times.
Give thanks to those who are in charge,
Those who plan, legislate, and provide,
For we are at the mercy of so many,
As we observe these disasters outside.
And thank you to every caring person,
Who shows a kindness and lends a hand,
For we are all in this together,
Focusing to save our homes and our lands.
By Lise Parton
*photo credit to fabian jones on unsplash