The Lure Versus The Cost
It's becoming all too frequent,
As the world evolves with change,
The things you could buy before,
Are becoming out of range...
The Lure Versus The Cost
It's becoming all too frequent,
As the world evolves with change,
The things you could buy before,
Are becoming out of range.
The basic necessities of life,
Are so much more expensive these days,
And paying for it all is harder,
Sometimes we have to assess things in new ways.
From the roof over our heads,
To the clothing on our backs,
Everything costs so much more,
Never mind the tax.
These days we might have to choose,
Whether we really need this thing or that,
Because our money buys less and less,
And that is just a truthful fact.
With less disposable money,
And costs accelerating and on the rise,
We have to reassess and think,
Can we even afford those extra supplies?
Even when out for a meal,
Our dining costs are so much more,
And something we might have liked to order,
From a menu can be no more.
Why, just the other day,
When two of us went out to dine,
I thought I might go all out,
Eyeing a chocolate cake that was looking so divine.
"I'll take one of those to go," I said,
"How much extra will that be?"
She quoted a price that was sky-high,
And our eyebrows shot up, you see.
How could that little piece of cake,
Cost so terribly much?
We are not eating in a fine dining place,
How did prices get so out of touch?
Well, it is happening everywhere,
And the costs of everything are on the rise,
And sometimes the lure of purchasing,
Has a cost that opens our eyes.
We might have to cut right back,
Or we will surely end up lost,
We can't always pay for what we want,
For the lure just doesn't outweigh the cost.
By Lise Parton
photo courtesy of will echols on unsplash