The Fog Comforts Me
"The eerie greyness of the fog,
That surrounds me and every thing,
Somehow comforts me in a silent way,
I feel hidden from what the world could bring..."

The Fog Envelops Me
The fog wraps around me like a cozy blanket,
Keeping me safe, you see,
For I am right standing here all alone,
And no one else can really see me.
I feel like I am in my own cocoon,
With no one else in my space,
And several steps taken this way or that,
No one can clearly see my face.
I gaze out into the distance,
But really can’t see too much out there,
For as much as I am curious and focused,
I can’t see much of anything even as I stare.
The eerie greyness of the fog,
That surrounds me and every thing,
Somehow comforts me in a silent way,
I feel hidden from what the world could bring.
Sounds around me are truly muffled,
And a still silence surrounds this place,
But I still can feel cool, misty sensations,
Gently resting upon my face.
In Fall and Winters when the fogs come,
And everyone comments in a negative way,
I put a tiny smile upon my face,
For the blanket of fog is a comforting display.
By Lise Parton