An Excerpt From My Book: Love, Magic & Mermaids
"As the bubbles formed in front of his face while he was sinking lower, he instinctively threw his arms out to fan the waters, and kick his feet to stop him from going down any deeper..."

"As the bubbles formed in front of his face while he was sinking lower, he instinctively threw his arms out to fan the waters, and kick his feet to stop him going down any deeper. Something was barely visible through the massive bubbles and sparkling sunshine that was almost fully blinding him, so he could barely see what it was. The large shape was near him, and he stopped moving for a second to try and get a better look. He was astonished to see that it truly was the mermaid! There she was in all her glory, in front of him, and gazing at him with alarm.
Just then he suddenly realized that he was under several feet of water and starling to choke and lose his breath! Oh, dear! He had to get to the surface immediately or he might be in danger of drowning.
Just then, she came to him, and she placed her beautifully soft lips on his, and she gave him some air. It was just enough to stop his choking, and then she reached forward to put her arms around him. Her massive tail started to move back and forth and swiftly got the two of them up to the surface."
I loved writing this book! There are so many discoveries you won't want to miss...let's keep going...
"The princess was thinking he looked more handsome than ever, she could hardly believe he was right there next to her. Roberto was looking at this amazing vision of a woman, or rather, half-woman-half-fish creature, and was taken in by her beautiful, soft facial features, golden wet hair that was floating all spanned out below the water line, but clinging to her head above the surface with wet droplets running down her face. She unlooped something from her arm and then quickly put it up on her head. It appeared to be a crown of sorts, with all manner of adornment from shells, to starfish, to pearls, and incredibly what appeared to be very fine jewels like diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. It was magnificent, she was magnificent. She must truly be a Princess from the sea, he thought still bewildered..."
Would you like to see her beautiful crown?

Did you know I illustrated this book myself? It was quite a learning curve, I can tell you!
I hope you decide to pick up your copy of LOVE, MAGIC & MERMAIDS. Available on Amazon as an eBook.
Cheers! Lise
